My Consular is currently on Hoth, the cold and icy Hoth of the movies. Hoth is very large and very spread out and beautiful in the way that only extremely cold winters can be. Being a content and happy desert dweller, I can admire the icy, blue beauty that is Hoth without bringing back awful memories of winter.
I’m finding the quests on Hoth interesting and engaging. But then again, I love all of the unique races you discover within the universe of Star Wars.
She has helped the above Ortolans save their geothermic power plant from the Empire and is off to stop a madman she has already killed once. Her biggest “issue” these days, is reviving Qyzen from the floor after a battle, despite the fact that she’s split her tree points up for some heals to keep him alive. So, given his apparent love of dirt naps, hubby and I both purchased the Treek mercenary contract from the Cartel Market yesterday.
Treek has been available for a while but I was too stingy in spending cartel coins to acquire her services. I was an idiot! The initial meeting with her makes me laugh every time and I admit it, I love Ewoks and always have. So, once you get her and get her gear up to speed (she comes pre-equipped with Adaptive Armor appropriate for level nine) I took her into battle. She not only holds aggro, she HEALS herself during battle. Yep, that’s right, she heals and tanks which leaves you free to dispatch enemies as quickly as you like.
Now, I’m not going to lie I kill quicker (at least on my Sentinel) when I bring Kira along but I tend to take more damage and spend more time recovering after a battle. Also, Treek gains no affection from conversations while out questing so I have found myself swapping her out with other companions for the affection gain whenever possible. Treek only gains affection from gifts and completing her companion missions.
And lastly, look what arrived this morning after maintenance! My characters are happy and T7 will have a friend to hang out with!