Patch 1.6 just hit the PTS so I realize it isn’t ready for prime time, let alone release, but overall what were my first impressions? Mixed at best, some things very well implemented and others not so much.
Provisioning Revamp
All of the sudden there are a plethora of food and beverages never before seen in Tamriel, Mint Chai or Banana Surprise anyone? The food and drink system has completely been revamped and replaced with food and drinks you’d easily find in any first world country. It makes zero sense and is completely lore and immersion breaking. Food and drink is now faction specific but if released in it’s current state you will be selling a lot of provisioning items that are stored in inventory.
Justice System
Those barrels and baskets you’ve looted in every Elder Scrolls game for lock picks, food items, random gold? They are all now considered theft. Every items I moused over this morning was theft and this is a huge departure from other Elder Scrolls game.
Certain NPCs and all guards now have a weird glow outlining them when moused over, presumably to be a visual clue for your current outlaw status. I did witness one guard chasing and killing a wanted player. Towns and cities will soon be littered with living NPC’s standing over their dead corpses if the PTS is any judge. Obviously this is immersion breaking as well.
Also there was no introduction to the Justice System that I ran across this morning.
I am going to be upfront, I was the most excited about the Collections tab. It would get the pets, treasure maps from Collector’s Edition, and trophies/trinkets out of my inventory. So, I am incredibly sad to report that this isn’t true.
Pets are out of my inventory true enough, but that is all. Still there are all those treasure maps and the quest reward trinkets/trophies. Your inventory woes have not been addressed, alleviated, or reduced.
Removing five pets from my inventory isn’t even a drop in the bucket compared to those treasure maps and trinkets hogging space. I am incredibly disappointed with the collections implementation as it currently stands.
Appearance Armor
When this was mentioned in the live stream last week my heart sang with joy. I’ve dreamed of appearance armor since beta. Try as I might to equip armor in the appearance/costume slot this morning nothing worked.
So if it is only certain armor that gets to be slotted in the appearance slot then how am I getting to play my way? What if I really like a robe that is low level but some developer never flagged it as being appearance appropriate? Having an appearance/costume slot that is limiting is pointless and frustrating.

Mounts are now shared across the account with stats being shared among mounts. Yes, I’m cheap and only have the one mount but now it doesn’t matter since stats are shared. You can still buy the other mounts at a stable but the cheapest mount I saw was 42k but I also didn’t check every stable this morning.
In no way am I disappointed in mounts or the implementation.
First impression of the patch was a very mixed bag for me. Hopefully, there will be improvements based on feedback. The PTS went live yesterday and I know it is early in the testing but some of these things (TREASURE MAPS & TRINKETS) should have been thought of and implemented by developers since they have been a sore point for almost a year now. Appearance armor needs work and by god, whatever development team though lore breaking provisioning was a grand idea needs to be replaced!