For the last month of so, social gaming media has been in a self-induced uproar over “Gamer Gate”. Both sides of the issue have their view points and opinions, and neither side has a chance of convincing the other that their side is correct.
Synopsis of the issue, as I understand it, is that it was revealed that a woman indie game developer was sleeping with a reviewer of her game. Suddenly gamers are in an uproar over gaming journalism ethics (or lack thereof) and it becomes blown completely out of proportion. Sexism, sloppy ethics, paid reviews, favorites, elitism, misogyny, hard core, casual, ad nauseam are all words and phrases bandied about by both sides of the “debate”.
Look, it’s pretty simple gaming journalism is as corrupt and biased as non-gaming journalism. Developers buy favorable reviews, games that step out of the box get little to no coverage, the face of gaming is changing, and much more are all easy to understand truths about gaming. Here’s an even easier truth, the best way to change gaming and the gaming community is to vote with your wallet.
Don’t like the manner in which women are portrayed? Don’t buy the product, no matter how much social pressure is applied. Don’t approve of how a gaming site conducts itself? Stop visiting the site and its sponsors. Learn to ignore people in games, don’t be afraid to talk because of who you are. Your voice and opinion matter just as much as the rude, screaming, foul mouthed child on the other end.
I could care less about Gamer Gate. I am smart enough to support games, sites, and sponsors that fit who I am as a gamer. Question is, is the rest of the community smart enough to do more than just make a splash on social media?
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