
Sunday, October 27, 2013

World of Warcraft: Random Sunday Reflections


So, my Horde Shaman was just about to ding (literally one kill away) level 70 when she was deleted today.  There was nothing wrong with her class or race or guild, but my brain has Pandaren firmly in the Alliance camp and she always felt like she was on the verge of committing treason and defecting.  Being to cheap to pay for a race change, I made a new character, pictured above.  She’s back in the guild and this time she feels like she belongs in the Horde.

While leveling today, something occurred to me.  When they implement cross-realm zones and now connected realms, why have the not correspondingly increased the number of nodes and mobs?  Players aren’t suddenly going to change years of gaming habits and group up to kill 10 ogres or gather 10 whatevers.  Now, the competition is fierce and you spend almost as much time waiting for mobs to spawn as you do getting from point A to point B.  I think a lot of the complaints about comingled realms would cease if there were more mobs and more gathering nodes.

Other than that, the Headless Horseman has still refused to drop his mount.  I’ve lost track how many years it’s been but too many given the number of characters I have run that instance every day.

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