
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Everquest 2– or the game I simply cannot quit

Four years ago, I had started WOW but was getting bored.  My savvy husband was ready and pointed me in the direction of Everquest 2.  This was way back when there were still islands outside Freeport and Qeynos for new players.  I was immediately hooked.  Here was a MMO that had what I missed most about the The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion – quest driven stories with the ability to explore the world.


I tried to convince myself and hubby that my computer was running the game adequately.  Truth be told, it stuttered so bad that today I wouldn’t last thirty seconds in-game trying to play that way.  I played for almost a month, but then went back to WOW which ran much better on my machine.  So while I spent another four years playing WOW on and off, trying other games, I never forgot about Everquest 2.  I would dabble for a month and then go back playing lesser games. 


Finally, when I quit WOW for good last year I immediately dived back into Everquest 2 eagerly.  This time my machine could handle the engine much better and the stuttering was limited to a few places here and there.  The graphics weren’t as stellar as hubby’s machine put out but they were still stellar compared to my first EQ2 experience.  We played Everquest 2 and Lord of the Rings Online for the majority of last year, until hit the hyperspace button and played Star Wars: The Old Republic.

Once I deleted the failed Funcom experiment this morning, I immediately reinstalled Everquest 2.  It felt like coming home.  There is a reason it is called Evercrack.  LOL  Sneakily, literally behind my back, hubby bought me a year subscription and the expansion I was missing, Age of Discovery.  I got in-game, said howdy to the guildies, and went about cleaning out my quest log.  I know I am going to enjoy the next couples of weeks and months in Norrath while it is blazing hot here.


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