
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Lifestyle: Game Behavior & Work?


At some point we’ve all thrown our hands up and stormed away from the computer in complete and utter frustration because of something another player did that we took personally.  Question is, how do you handle the behavior of others and your own behavior in game?

My darling husband and I are polar opposites about game etiquette.  He tends to take the behavior of other players extremely personally.  I tend to let things roll off my back.  I’ve tried to come up with an explanation for why this might be and I think it boils down to the simple fact he has far more life stress than I do and thus the little things crawl under his skin and irritate him much faster.

Don’t get me wrong, there are certain behaviors I find deplorable in video games, but when that happens I usually can resolve that issue by simply turning off the offending chat channel and going back to doing my own thing.  Hubby doesn’t seem to be able to find an in-game solution and usually logs off in a grumpy mood.  When this happens, I know he won’t be playing said game for a couple of weeks.

Do you consider your gaming time working or play time?  Question, no grumbling, comes up here quite often to be honest.  I think it comes from an ability to let reality slide into the background for a while, versus taking everything as a life and death situation.  Once again, we are on opposite sides of the coin on this question.  I let reality slide, take things at my own pace, and don’t sweat the small stuff.  He, on the other hand, becomes so focused on the end goal that he forgets to stop, slow down, and remember it’s just a game. 

The small stuff drives him absolutely batty, truth be told.   Take the small stuff, combine with behavior he deplores, and you have an epic meltdown worthy of a preschooler who lost his ball.  Don’t get me wrong, I understand why he gets so annoyed but he works himself up so much that is scary and funny at the same time.  When it happens to me, I log off, do something else, and go back on a different day knowing the situation will have resolved itself.  He seems incapable, it’s all or nothing.  I’m worried about him.  Gaming is supposed to be relaxing, it’s not supposed to be stressful and a second job.  When games become more stressful than relaxing, it’s time to take a break and find something else to do for a bit. 

So honey, when you read this tomorrow don’t worry playing what I’m playing; play what let’s you relax.  I’d much rather you were relaxed and healthy than miserable and working at a hobby. 

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