
Saturday, August 18, 2012

Funcom’s Investor Update


It’s been several days since Funcom released it’s Investor Update following the launch of The Secret World.  I’ve left the financial analysis up to people who are much better versed in the subject than I.  Here is the best of all those reports that I’ve read.  Basically, Funcom blamed the Metacritic score for the poor financial performance of the stock. 

The truth from a gamer perspective is much different.  As discussed previously here and here, Funcom failed to listen to the community regarding character creation and combat.  The quests and atmosphere are good but when that’s the best thing you can say about a game there are serious problems.

Where they went wrong":

  • ALL characters are exactly the same height and weight
  • ALL characters look ridiculous, the lack of options is a list that deserves it’s own article but I don’t want to waste my time
  • Jerky animations
  • Disconnected feel of combat
  • NPC’s that don’t react when hit
  • Run animation
  • Armor/Clothing that is painted on characters and thus there is no movement at all for clothes
  • BUGGY companion pets

I could go on, but why bother?

Funcom, and Funcom alone, is responsible for the low rating on Metacritc.  They were warned repeatedly of the problems and issues in both closed and open beta.  They repeatedly said, “Don’t worry it will be fixed at launch.”  Unfortunately for the employees at Funcom, they can’t get past their reputation as Failcom and they have no one to blame but themselves.  The game will be free to play in the next 60 days I’m sure.  They need people to spend cash in the cash shop the game launched with to have any hope of staying afloat. 

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