My darling spouse, yeah he’ll get that, pointed out last week that the blog failed to ever do an “about us” piece and that it needed a “lifestyle” column. Admittedly he was right, I said it in a public writing dear, and so this morning I’m going to rectify that oversight.
Who are the crazy 40-something's behind Gaming Couples? We are Valhakar and Stitchersflock (or Val and Stitchers for short), happily married and residing in the warmth of the desert. Unfortunately we weren’t blessed with children so that joy is missing from our gaming life. Val works insane hours sometimes but luckily he still has time for gaming and goofing off. I am the luckiest wife around because I’m blessed to stay home and not have to deal with the corporate grind. We have a house full of dogs, a cat, and a Severe Macaw that keeps us on our toes constantly. Ever tried gaming while a parrot is nibbling your earlobes? Let’s just say it’s made for some interesting pick-up groups over the years!
Valhakar has been playing computer games for almost as long as they have been around. His MMO adventures began in Ultima Online and carried on until Everquest was released. He has played almost every AAA release at some point but has definite preferences. He isn't a huge fan of Guild Wars and at this point WOW makes his skin crawl. He was eagerly awaiting the release of The Secret World in June 2012, and was incredibly frustrated with Funcom when the game released. Right now, Val is looking forward to the open beta of MechWarrior Online and has a WOW subscription because his wife does. He also pops into Rift fairly regularly for PvP battles.
Stitchersflock, aka the blog’s primary author, is relatively new to computer gaming. Valhakar had a devious plan in mind when they got married way back when and eventually his plan succeeded. *Hey there’s a blog idea … how did the devious plan work and could it work for you?* It backfired to some extent though, since I’ve developed a fondness (aka I actually READ quest text before running off to kill ten kobolds lol) for games with story lines. Guild Wars was my first MMO, even though Val calls it a baby-MMO, and then I moved up to WOW. Since then I’ve played Everquest II, Lord of the Rings Online, Age of Conan, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Aion, and several of the free to play games out there. Like Val, I looked forward to the release of The Secret World and my disappoint was far closer to anger than any other emotion. Currently, I’m being blown away by the Mists of Pandaria expansion in WOW and I still regularly pop-in on Rift and Everquest 2.
Time will tell if this becomes a semi-regular column but it just might. But for this morning, I need that first cup of coffee and then I am going to go work on my Pandaran Monk!