
Monday, September 17, 2012

World of Warcraft: Disappoint Abounds in Theramore


The Fall of Theramore scenario released this afternoon, a day early.  The whole thing was a complete waste of time and completely failed in telling a story or getting deeper into the lore.  As defined by Blizzard:

Scenarios are short, instanced adventures for three level 90 players of any class.

Unlike dungeons and raids, scenarios present you with a number of goals you need to achieve in order to progress and will reward you with Valor points as well as random loot bags containing rare quality items.

So, by short, instanced adventures they mean incredibly poor story telling, easy mobs, and what rare quality items are they talking about?  Oh wait, would that be the FIREWORKS I received to celebrate the destruction of Theramore and Jaina Proudmoore’s home being decimated?  The required gear score is far too high, three people are not needed, and this would have been far more fun and challenging with just one other person.

The whole thing was horrible.  There was no story at all.  You get dropped into the instance to see a Goblin zeppelin captain dropping a bomb on the mage tower in Theramore.  Then you are unceremoniously dumped on the docks and then you just randomly kill mobs to complete stage goals.  There’s no dialog, no cut-scenes, no REASON why you are there!  Jaina doesn’t ask for help until the very end.  The mobs are easy and there is zero challenge.  Once the expansion is live, these scenarios are just going to turn into zerg rushes to farm Valor marks.  If you are like me, and assuming the other scenarios have actual story content in them, you won’t ever get to experience the story because it will turn into what dungeons are now, a rush to the end to move on and get out.

Hubby watched over my shoulder this afternoon and based on what he saw, he won’t be rushing out to buy the expansion.  What reason is there?  So far, first impression of the expansion isn’t positive.  Ghostcrawler promised there would be story content and it’s lacking abysmally based on what I saw today.  Yes, there is still a slim margin of hope based on Li Li’s travel journal but part of me is terrified that hubby’s pessimism is right and Li Li’s journal is just a device to promote book sales.  I’m going to choose to bury my head in the sand for another week and believe that Blizzard hasn’t completely forgotten how to tell brilliant stories.

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